The art of collaboration


Join us for a gathering of women entrepreneurs to explore the art of collaboration!

We look forward to welcoming you

Tina Lymberis & Clôd Baumgartner



a joint program by

Clôd Baumgartner (Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship)

Tina Lymberis (Evolving Cycles)


funded by the European Union



We aim to:

  • foster collaboration among women entrepreneurs
  • create a more supportive and inclusive environment
  • close the gender gap in economic opportunities and
  • promote gender equality.

Our program, "The Art of Collaboration," offers 2 barcamps as an opportunity to network locally and exchange knowledge on the best tools and practices for collaboration. We then take this content to form a 12-week online course accessible to women entrepreneurs worldwide.



Our goal is to create a supportive community of collaborative women entrepreneurs!

We achieve this by facilitating knowledge exchange in communities local to the facilitators.

Women have long learned and performed better as part of a group, and studies show that women thrive when surrounded and supported by other women. A Harvard Business Review study found that adding more women to a group increased overall collective intelligence, and women score much higher on social sensitivity tests than men. When working in groups, women are more collaborative, which ultimately leads to more success for both women and their companies. Companies with more women in leadership and employment experience sustained profit growth and higher levels of innovation. Women who interact with a strong female network of peers on a regular basis will experience a higher level of satisfaction and success than those who do not.

Collaboration empowers women! It enhances their efficiency, creativity, motivation, morale, learning, and overall success. Women working in groups raise the collective intelligence and help dispel traditional stereotypes. Together, women can achieve greatness, remove obstacles and pave the way for future female entrepreneurs.

Join us in building valuable relationships with like-minded women for personal, social and business growth!


1 BARCAMP Greece

Sunday 29 October 2023 in Routsi, Greece (Peloponnese)

2 BARCAMP Austria

Thursday 30 November 2023 in Vienna, Austria


START: JANUARY 11, 2024 at 6pm - 7pm CET

We will meet for 12 weeks every Thursday for one hour online.

The online course aims to be a practical step-by-step guide on how to start a regenerative collaboration by creating authentic connections and finding and retaining the right people through time. Every week the course will start with a short theoretical input and then lead into practical exercises in small groups.

Our goal is to make the online course meaningful and enjoyable and practical for women entrepreneurs. It will be a guided journey intended to test a process which ignites & fuels real-life collaborations.

We believe in the power of collaboration to solve the big and urgent challenges facing our communities.

We want to enable authentic connections between women because we believe there is great power in bringing women together to support each other and achieve great things together.

If you have not yet registered for the online course, you are welcome to do so or invite other women to join —>


A barcamp is an open, participant-driven experience where attendees collaboratively create the agenda and content, fostering discussions, knowledge sharing and networking.

BarCamp in Routsi, Arkadia, Greece (October 29, 2023)

women's community
women's community



Tina Lymberis, Evolving Cycles, Greece

Tina brings her passion and many years of experience in facilitating groups around the topics of communication, collaboration and earth regeneration. These topics form the pillars of the community building methodology that she uses. More specifically, she conveys the essence of Permaculture [Personal, Social and Land-based], Compassionate Communication [NCV by Marshall Rosenberg], Sociocratic Facilitation, the Art of Hosting, the Transition Movement and Agile Learning. She has distilled technical information and fused it with primitive social bonding and artistic expression (singing, dancing and playing) to create a unique, holistic formula for guiding our New Earth Leaders along their personal, social, artistic and environmental evolution.

Clôd Baumgartner, Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Austria

Clôd Baumgartner leads the Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, an organization focused on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the social and environmental sectors. With an emphasis on adult education, the agency develops innovative curricula and online courses to empower learners with entrepreneurial skills. They work alongside NGOs and companies, providing support throughout the entire innovation process.


Our program, "The Art of Collaboration," targets women entrepreneurs from Austria, Greece, and worldwide. Collaboration addresses their unique needs:

  1. Networking: Connects women entrepreneurs, combating isolation and fostering a supportive network.
  2. Skill Building: Provides a platform for learning and skill development through knowledge sharing and mentoring.
  3. Overcoming Gender Bias: Strengthens support systems, boosting confidence to tackle gender bias and discrimination.
  4. Access to Funding: Facilitates resource pooling and powerful networks for improved access to funding.




Our collaborators engaged in small teams to co-create content and facilitate sessions, embodying the ethos of collaborative learning and teaching. Together, they designed and refined course materials, ensuring that each session was informative and engaging. Additionally, our collaborators took turns leading sessions, applying their expertise to guide fellow learners through interactive activities and discussions. This hands-on approach not only enriched the learning experience but also demonstrated the effectiveness of collaborative teamwork in creating meaningful educational outcomes. By working together in both content development and facilitation, our collaborators embraced the spirit of collective effort and shared responsibility, contributing to a dynamic and inclusive learning environment.

Arlinda Doci, Alexandra Dolea, Gini Rendl, Precious Nyarambi, Petra Buchholz, Nora Vaski, Alexandra Gerda Krismayr, Joanna Papadopoulou, Jessica Nägele, Lilian Wieser, Emma Devaud, Petra Nieckchen, Corinna Stabrawa, Anna Tea, Kornelia Senzenberger, Maria Leoni Georgopoulou, Stephanie Rank, Elena Vallianatou, Areti Mathioudaki, Panagiota Nikomani, Tonia Zilianaiou, Céline Lalieu, Michelle Gilluly-Beham

.... and of course THANK YOU to all the amazing, wonderful, wise women, who added value to this program by joining us in Vienna and Routsi at our BarCamps!


This barcamp/course has provided the participants with a wealth of knowledge and tools that they are eager to apply in their personal and professional life. Here's how they plan to use what they have learned and what they have already started implementing:

  • Exploration and Conflict Resolution: I plan to delve deeper into Theory U and learn more about conflict resolution during collaboration.

  • Collaboration Skills: I gained valuable insights into collaboration which I have started applying in my women’s group in Nea Makri, which I initiated. This has opened my mind to concepts like the small village theory.

  • Networking and Future Benefits: The connections I made will be beneficial for my future endeavors, especially in my business where I plan to implement the new online tools I discovered.

  • Broad Application: Although I am not entirely sure how I will apply everything, I believe these learnings will be valuable in all my projects and collaborations.

  • Conscious Collaboration: I will be more conscious in all my collaborations and incorporate some key ideas into various projects after processing all the gathered information.

  • Self-Belief and Implementation: I have begun to believe in myself more and have started implementing what I learned, such as creating a safe space and understanding team synergies.

  • Career Advancement: The learnings will help me in my career, especially in choosing good collaborators as a young professional and approaching collaboration with more awareness.

  • Facilitation and Networking: I have already shared some topics with my team and look forward to the refresher course. I also plan to participate in similar projects and possibly create my own in the future.

  • Self-Care and Balance: I will ensure to take good care of myself in collaborations, maintaining a balance between giving and receiving.

  • Positive Collaboration: I aim to approach collaboration and growth with positivity and teamwork, rather than working alone.

  • Educational Projects: I will try many of the tools in my next educational projects, applying the structure and style I learned.

  • Personal Development: I have changed certain perspectives and learned to listen more, which has been valuable in sharing ideas and experiences.

  • Compassionate Communication: I plan to do a deeper dive into compassionate communication and The Art of Hosting, as these are valuable for my work.


We asked our participants of the barcamp in Routsi and in Vienna as well as the cohort and cocreators of our online course to share their feedback on the following questions:

What worked well?

  • Everything
  • Space, facilitators, and content
  • Schedule
  • Venue, food, flow, diverse group, variety of methodologies
  • Organisation and logistics
  • Collaboration with small teams

What did you like?

  • Space and atmosphere
  • Village setting, quiet and spacious environment, little church, outdoor setting
  • Facilitators, content, and meaningful discussions
  • Welcoming and inclusive environment
  • Artistically curated space
  • Efficient organisation
  • Personal growth and feedback
  • Networking and connections
  • Spontaneity and co-creation
  • Activities, singing, and interactive sessions
  • Positive, friendly, and kind vibe
  • Diverse participants and their perspectives
  • Collaborative energy and brainstorming sessions

What was your highlight?

  • Proximity and "can do" attitude
  • Small group sessions
  • Multicultural company
  • Safe space and finding the right collaborators
  • Dragon Dreaming session
  • Creating content for classes
  • Co-creation process in week 5
  • Friendships and new connections

What will you remember?

  • The space and overall atmosphere
  • Facilitators and their great skills
  • The sense of belonging and collaboration
  • Organisation and efficient logistics
  • Personal growth and learning curve
  • Overcoming fears and embracing spontaneity
  • Networking and positive energy
  • Safe, inclusive, and supportive environment
  • Variety of methodologies and creative approaches

What could have been done better?

  • Longer duration (2 days or more)
  • More constraints for brainstorming sessions to focus outcomes
  • More bonding time and extended discussions
  • Allocate time for technical setups
  • Balance between fun and productive activities

What I really want to say is...

  • Blessings to all you do! Thank you for your initiative.
  • Thank you! It was amazing.
  • Clôd and Tina are wonderful facilitators. Thank you for this format and organizing the event.
  • A great mix of women and a special energy made the day wonderful.
  • I would like to volunteer in future activities about entrepreneurship and collaboration.
  • It felt like a mini-holiday spending time with you.
  • Thanks wholeheartedly to Clôd and Tina for the memorable experience.
  • I'm looking forward to the final Meeting Manual.
  • Mahalo nui loa! I will miss these Thursday evenings, which gave me so much energy.
  • Thank you for bringing us together, Clôd and Tina! Hope to join more courses and create in the future.
  • Grateful to be part of this project.
  • This 12-week experience enriched my work with women and advanced the potential for happy connectedness worldwide.
  • You both bring so much joy and creativity. I hope to have an address list of participants and keep the platform available. Celebrating how you encouraged women to step into their powers!
  • Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this experiment. It would be nice to stay in contact and collaborate further.

a joint program by

Clôd Baumgartner (Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship)

Tina Lymberis (Evolving Cycles)


funded by the European Union
